Scientific data shows that a lifetime of oral health may be much more important than you think. Problems with your dental health may often be warning signs of other serious underlying conditions.
Having confidence in your dental care provider can truly make the difference in your overall health and longevity. That’s why our office works hard to provide you everything you deserve from your dental care!
Did You Know?
The rate of oral cancer is at an all time high. In fact, the condition is much more common than other forms of cancer—including cancer of the liver, kidneys, brain, and the cervix. Regular check ups with your dentist can help you to avoid the serious complications associated with oral cancer.
You Should Be Aware:
Not only can gum disease cause pain and discomfort, but it increases the possibility for bacteria to enter your bloodstream, opening the door for other dangerous health issues.
Your Oral Health Could Also Be Linked To the Following Conditions:
Cardiovascular Disease | Some studies show that gum disease can allow bacteria to enter into your bloodstream and travel to your heart, being the potential cause of numerous disorders including heart disease, stroke, clogged arteries, and more.
Pregnancy | Scientists have linked gum disease to some premature births. Bacteria can enter the placenta and cause very serious complications. It’s important to remember that dental work during later pregnancy is highly discouraged, so taking the necessary preventative measures beforehand is extremely important for both you and your baby’s health.
Diabetes | Many oral conditions can be caused by diabetes, including a higher risk of gum disease, dry mouth, cavities, and others.
HIV/AIDS | One of the first signs of HIV/AIDS presents itself in the mouth in the form of lesions or white spots found in the mouth.
Other Possible Conditions | There are many other health disorders that show early symptoms in the mouth well before you have any idea there may be a problem. Some of these include certain types of cancer, substance abuse, eating disorders, and many others.
Call Kenneth Hovden, DDS, for Better Oral and Overall Health Today
Your overall health is our biggest concern. Call us today to schedule an appointment for a regular checkup!